Five Senses Bible Lessons - Sight

Lesson 3 - Sight

Elisha and the invisible army printables using crayon resist |

Story: Elisha and the blind army
Theme: Trust God.
Verse:  2 Cor. 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight

Optical Illusions: Print some of these optical illusions (probably the dual picture, motion, disappearing, color, and parallel line effects are the best) and have the students do them:

Or download an optical illusion slide show here:
Tell the story about Elisha and the blind army. 2 Kings 6:8-23
Seeing the invisible Army:
Supplies: printout of Elisha and servant overlooking army, white crayon, water colors, paintbrush
 Before the lesson, draw or trace horses and chariots of fire into the top of this picture (or something similar) using the white crayon.
Elisha and servant overlooking the enemy army
During the lesson, when you get to verse 17, have the students paint the top with the water colors to see what the servant saw.
Elisha shows his servant the invisible army craft with white crayon and water colors

Update:  I recently updated this with a better coloring page that I found on The original page is here.  I digitally erased the army.  You can print my erased version for each child in your class and one of the unedited coloring page.  Then, trace the horses and chariots of fire from the coloring page onto each of the erased versions using white crayon.  Then, the army will show up when they are painted with watercolors.

Elisha and the invisible army printables using crayon resist |

Alternatively, you can make scratch off pictures.
printout of Elisha and servant overlooking army with heavenly army, laminate (or contact paper or clear packing tape), white acrylic paint, liquid dish soap, paint brush, coins (or something to scratch off)
Print out pictures of Elisha and his servant with the heavenly army already on it.  Laminate the papers (or cover with contact paper or clear packing tape).  Then paint over the angel with white acrylic paint mixed with liquid dish soap (1 part dish soap and 2 parts acrylic paint).  Let it dry completely and have the students scratch off the paint at the right point in the story.
Play a blindfolded game such as blindman’s bluff, blind potato race, pin the horse to the chariot…
Here are some more blindfold games.
Discussion:  Why was Elisha calm even though he was surrounded by the enemy?  Could Elisha’s servant see the heavenly army with his eyes?  What needed to happen for him to see?  What can we do today to see things from God’s view? (read our Bible and pray)  Could Elisha's servant trust what he could (or couldn't) see?  Is it better to trust God or what we see for ourselves?

Here are links to all the lessons in the Five Senses Bible Lesson Unit:
1 - Taste
2 - Touch
3 - Sight
4 - Smell
5 - Hearing
6 - Wrap-up (uses all senses)

Print the full unit of lessons.

I love sharing.
What was your favorite part?  Was there a part of the story that you would have brought out more (there certainly is more you could focus on)?  Do you know of any crafts or activities that you would have used?  What about a different story or Bible verse you would have used for teaching about sight?

Click here for all of my Bible Lessons Unit:


  1. I just purchased some invisable ink markers which have in inbuilt UV light, not sure how readily available in the future but this find was God's perfect timing and they were very cheap! - had the same idea and discovered your page when planning and will use your graphic so thankyou very much and to the linkedpage also. Had initially planned to use lemon juice or alturnative and a heat source and thought of the scratch version but not the white crayon idea! will save that up to use another time! I like the UV light concept as it will go back to being invisable as it is in real life but your post inspired me to have the kids do watercolour rather than colouring in so that will be fun

    1. Great idea! I'm so glad that graphics helped you out. Enjoy!


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