DIY Christmas Presents

Here are some things that I have made that make great gifts.  Since Christmas is coming up, I would like to share the ideas.  I'm really not that crafty and have minimal sewing skills, so if I could make these you really could too.  Where possible, I've tried to include a link to a tutorial.

Click above for my tutorial.

2. Seashell Pillar Candles
Click above for my tutorial.

3.  Sand and Seashell Candle Holders
Click above for my tutorial.

4. Fabric Car Play Mat
Made with fabric markers and black acrylic paint.
I drew the buildings on white fabric, cut them with a zig-zag scissors and sewed them on.
This present definitely gets used the most of any I've made.

The other side

5.  Jean Pocket Purses

6. Duct Tape Wallets
Like the ones made here.

7. Silhouette Candle Holders
Decoupage white fabric around a glass candle holder.
Print out profile pictures on cardstock.
Cut out the person and paint the picture black.
Decoupage the silhouette onto the fabric.
Add a few more layers of decoupage to seal everything.

8. Silhouette Christmas Ornaments
Made similarly to the candle holders, but I decoupaged them onto ceramic ornaments.

9. Pillowcase Dress (but I shirred 4 rows on the top)
Like the one made here.

10. iPod holder made from old Jeans

11. No Slip Bookmarks
Sew a hair tie on one end and a button on the other.
Tutotial found here.

12.  Fort Kit
Tutorial found here.

13. Tile Coasters (decoupaged)
Tutorial found here.

Check out my other posts on DIY Christmas Gifts:


  1. I have been the blessed recipient of some of these! They're great!


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