James and Proverbs Comparison Printable

James and Proverbs Comparison - Matching Sheet and Group Activity | scriptureand.blogspot.com

My Sunday School class just finished studying James. Since our previous study was Proverbs, I kept noticing the similarity between the two books.  Apparently, I'm not the first to notice this.  You can easily find lots on the subject.

I looked for verses that covered the same topics and many even said basically the same things.  I created a matching sheet.  As we used the sheet in my Sunday School class, I noticed that there was a better way to use it as a group activity.  So I adapted it so you could use it that way, too.

You can print out the matching sheet or the group activity here.  It would work well as a wrap up for studying James or Proverbs.  Or you can use it on its own.  It would work individually for adults or kids.  You could also use it for homeschooling.


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