A-Z Attributes of God

God is Awesome
He inspires our awe and reverence.

God is Boundless 
His presence cannot be contained.

God is the Creator.
He has made everything and
without Him there would be nothing.

God is Dependable 
He is faithful to fulfill all that He has promised.

God is Eternal.
He always has been and always will be.

God is Free With Favor. 
He shows grace, unearned favor,
to all will accept it from Him.

God is Good.
He is the source and measure of goodness.

God is Holy.
He is distinct from creation by His complete purity.

God is Immutable.
His character and qualities do not change.

God is Just.
He judges all rightly.

God is Kind.
He is gentle and benevolent toward us.

God is Love.
He is the source and measure of love.

God is Merciful.
He is willing to withhold the punishment
that we deserve and forgive us.

God is Near.
He is close at hand when we need Him and call to Him.

God is Omnipresent.
He is present everywhere at all times.

God is Preeminent.
He is all powerful and capable
of carrying out what He desires.

God is a Quickening Spirit.
He is able to give us life, an abundant and eternal life.

God is Righteous.
All of His works are good and right.

God is Sovereign.
He is in control of all things.

God is Transcendent.
He and His ways and His thoughts
are higher than us and ours.

God is Unity.
He is one and cannot be divided.

God is Veracious.
He is true and only communicates truth.

God is Wise.
He knows all things and His understanding is infinite.

God is eXcellent.
He and His name are marvelous,
magnificent, and matchless.

God is Yahweh.
He is self-existent and self-sufficient.
Without any other qualifiers, He is.

God is Zealous.
He has ardor, passion, and vehemence for His people
and His plan for them.

You can print out the entire list here or below.


  1. Gorgeous! I will print these out and post them in a conspicuous place to be reminded just how big my God is! How do you post something on your blog and make it printable? I'm new to blogging and am compiling a list of verses that tell us about our value and worth to Him. Thank you!

    1. I'm sure that there are many ways to post printables on your blog, but I use my Google drive. You have to make the file public and then you can share the link or embed it on your blog. Here is the basic method: https://creativeblogs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/208411875-How-to-display-Google-Drive-folders-and-documents-on-a-blog
      May God bless you and your blog as you seek to follow Him.


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