What Pleases The Lord

If you are interested in pleasing the Lord, it is important to know what pleases Him. Both Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God, but only Abel's offering pleased the Lord (but that's a whole other story). How can we know? God tells us. It's in His Word.

Here is a printable list of Bible verses about things that please the Lord. I recommend meditating on one verse a day (it will take 23 days). 

Also, I recently put Bible images with verses about what pleases the Lord. Here there are for you for any non-commercial use:


  1. Love your blog and this post! When I click on the link for a printable copy of what pleases the Lord, I get an error. Would love to have this to meditate on. Thanks so much.

    1. I would recommend opening the link on a computer using Google Chrome as your web browser (although printing from your phone or tablet is possible if it is set up to do so). If you are having trouble with the link above you can try this one https://drive.google.com/file/d/19H2k3un73Es2JGKihAGAogG64Zg-PDTd/view?usp=sharing or you can also click on the symbol in the top right corner of the picture of the file. Both should take you to a view of the pdf file on my Google Drive.

      If you still are having problems, feel free to send me your email address and the name of the file you want. You can contact me through the contact form at the bottom of the right column on this website or through messaging on one of my social media accounts. https://www.facebook.com/ScriptureAnd or https://twitter.com/ScriptureAnd


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