Hebrews 11 Faith Reading Plan

Hebrews 11 Bible Reading Plan printable | scriptureand.blogspot.com

I just finished reading through Hebrews 11. It's sometimes called the "Faith Hall of Fame." It's basically a list of people and actions that demonstrate faith. So as I read Hebrews 11, I added in the Old Testament account of these stories of faith.

You can print out this reading plan below or here. It only takes 45 days and you can understand better what faith is. Here are some things to consider while you are reading:

  • Are the "Faith Hall of Famers" perfect? Do they sin and mess things up?
  • What does faith make them do?
  • What priorities do people of faith have? Look especially for differences between temporal and eternal. Physical and spiritual. 
  • What are some things people gave up because of their faith?
  • Did they have doubts? If so, how did they show that they still had faith?
  • Did they have to wait? What was the benefit of waiting and who benefited?

Finally, did you know that you might be in the Faith Hall of Fame too? Verse 3 mentions everyone who believes that God made everything visible out of the invisible. So, if you believe God created the universe, then you are a Faith Hall of Famer too! Also, notice how this act of faith is listed as comparable to the actions of Noah building the ark, Abraham offering Isaac, and Moses parting the Red Sea. Wow!

Feel free to print and share this reading plan. Most importantly, learn and apply what you read.

Hebrews 11 Bible Reading Plan printable | scriptureand.blogspot.com


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