Thoughts on Head Coverings


1 Corinthians 11:4-5 Women and Head Coverings |

The mention of ordinances or traditions (Gk. paradosis) in verse 2 does not invalidate this section as only a cultural custom and not a commandment. In 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Paul tells believers to “hold the traditions [paradosis] which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.” In Colossians 2:8, Paul cautions believers lest they follow “after the tradition [paradosis] of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” This teaching about head coverings is not a tradition of men, but a teaching for believers. It is supported not only by cultural traditions but also by other biblical truths (verses 7-10).

The relationship between man and woman is the same as that of Christ and man and that of God and Christ. In all of the relationships, there is a leader and a submitter. There is not a superior and inferior (verse 12), for Christ is not inferior to God, only submissive.

Men are to pray and prophesy with their heads uncovered. It was and is the Jewish custom for men to cover their heads in a synagogue. This was a different idea. Men were to uncover their heads to remind them to not cover their “head”, Christ. His glory was to shine through them (verse 7).

Women were to cover their heads when praying and prophesying. This covering was not her hair. The Greek word for covering in verse 15 (Peribolaion- veil) is different from that in verse 6 (Katakalupto – to cover up). Also, if her hair was the necessary covering, verse 6 would make no sense, because not covering her head would be the same as being shorn or shaved. She was to cover her head, to cover the glory of her “head,” man. During prayer and prophesy, man is not to be glorified, only Christ and God. This physical head covering is to remind both men and women of this principle. In covering her head, she is also covering her own glory, her hair (verse 15).

Another reason for a woman to cover her head is for the angels. She is to recognize the power (or authority) over her head, just as the angels do when they cover themselves in God’s presence (Isaiah 6:1-3). The “principalities and powers in heavenly places” are to learn “by the church the manifold wisdom of God” (Ephesians 3:10). This “wisdom of God” is the relationship of Christ and the Church, which is typified by that of husband and wife in Ephesians 5:22-32. Therefore, the head covering of the woman is to be a symbol of the whole church submitting itself before Christ (Ephesians 5:24).

I believe that the Scriptures teach that we, as women, are not to follow the current traditions of men, but rather symbolize to the whole church how we must all submit to Christ’s headship. Let us decide not to consider current fashion and cultural norms, but to obey the Word of God. Let us not worry what head coverings mean to others, but rather what God tells us they mean to Him. Let us also be sure that the submission we are showing is also the state of our hearts.


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