A Harmony of the Gospels Reading Plan

A Bible reading plan of the Harmony of the Gospels | scriptureand.blogspot.com

Are you looking to start a new Bible reading plan with the beginning of the New Year? You could read through the Bible in a year, the book of Acts, or the stories mentioned in Hebrews 11 (the Faith Hall of Fame). But if you are looking to learn more about Christ, you could always read through a harmony of the gospels. 

A harmony of the gospels refers to reading through the gospels chronologically collated into one account. So you basically read the four gospels simultaneously. Harmonies have several uses: you can read the stories chronologically, you can see several different perspectives of the same story, and you can compare different accounts of the same story (and see the purpose behind what is or is not included in each account).

Rather than rushing through these 4 books in 30 days, I stretched it out into 90 days. That should give you plenty of time for comparing, contrasting, and finding out what God is telling you about yourself, the world, and Himself. 

You can print the chart below or here

A Bible reading plan of the Harmony of the Gospels | scriptureand.blogspot.com


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