Bible Verse Observations Printable

Bible Verse Observations Printable |
Have you wanted to learn how to study God's Word, but didn't know how to get started? I'm writing a series with some printable Bible Study resources to help you. First, here is a printable for making observations about a Bible verse. Begin by writing in the full verse and then follow the hints to write observations below. Try to look at things from different angles. Then right some of the highlights that you noticed at the bottom. Often it is the unexpected observations that make the biggest differences.

Here are the hints that are listed on the printable to help you get started:
1. Think of each word in a different context to understand its meaning. 
2. Think why each word was used instead of another similar word (ex. using "the" instead of "a") 
3. Don’t miss the little words that are often skimmed over (of, the, in, on…) 
4. Use a dictionary to clarify words if necessary. 
5. Watch for connecting words (and, then, therefore, but…) and what is being connected. 
6. Watch for what is not being mentioned (or being left out).

If you need more suggestions of what to look for when making observations on a verse or passage, try the suggestions on my Bible Study Bookmark. You can print out the bookmark and keep it in your Bible or with your Bible study supplies.

I recommend practicing this on Genesis 1:26 or 1 Peter 2:24. Try to make around 25 observations. That may seem like a lot, but if you are looking at each word and using the hints you should have no difficulty getting that many. If you want to see examples when you are done, here are my observations for Genesis 1:26 and 1 Peter 2:24. These are examples and not "answers" because everyone will probably notice different things. 

If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. Also, if you learned something exciting when you made your Bible verse map, I would love to hear it so share that in the comments as well.

Other Bible Study Printables

Bible Word Study printable |

Bible Verse Mapping Printable |

Coming Soon:
Topical Bible Study Printable |


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