
Showing posts from April, 2017

End Times Bible Study with charts

End Times Bible Study with printable charts The End Times is a topic that I've studied multiple times throughout my life: in youth group, in classes at a Bible College, in Bible studies, and with my church.  However, I've always had trouble keeping everything straight.  So, when my Sunday School class studied it, I made several charts.  In the process of preparing them, I learned a lot too. Eschatology Okay, so using all the doctrinal lingo, the eschatology (theology concerning the end times) of these charts is mainly dispensational with pretribulation premillenialism. Pretty similar to the chart by A.E. Booth . I've studied the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel, but I've struggled with tying them together. Like, how does the King of the North (Daniel 11:36-45) relate to the book of Revelation? Is he a separate character from the beast out of the sea (Revelation 13:1-10) and the beast out of the land (Revelation 13:11-18)? What about Gog and Ma

Adult Bible Study on Proverbs

My Sunday School class recently studied the book of Proverbs using the outline and note sheet provided below. The chart is made to take notes or write verse references for the different topics.  We ended the unit with the quiz to see what Proverbs are from the Bible and which were not. I've listed the culture of the non-biblical proverbs on the answer sheet in case you were curious (I didn't expect my class to know the cultures).   Click on the thumbnails or the links below them to get printable versions. Proverbs Outline and Note sheet Proverbs Quiz: Biblical or Not Feel free to print and use these for Bible studies or Sunday School classes.  If you share them online, please include a link back to this page.  Thanks!

Gospel Bible Verses to Share

The following verses are some of my favorites for sharing the gospel.  Feel free to share these images on social media or websites, print them out to share with someone, or use them for any non-commercial reason. If you do not know the good news about how Jesus died for our sins and how we can be saved from the eternal separation from God, then read these verses.   You can also read about how to be saved by clicking here. Original photo from Pixabay by tookapic   Original Photo from Negative Space Original Photo from Unsplash by Zwaddi Original Photo from Unsplash by Rod Long Original Photo from Freely Photos by Corey Grunewald Original Photo from Unsplash by Aaron Burden Original Photo from Unsplash from Biegun Wschodni Original Photo from Life of Pix by Leroy Original Photo  from  Freely Photos  by Corey Grunewald Original Photo from Unsplash by Jacob Meyer Original photo from Pixabay by A

Bible Verses for One Day/Glorious Day

There are many songs that I love to sing on Easter:  Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Christ Arose, Because He Lives, and He Lives.  However, none of them are as strong on biblical content as One Day.  One Day was written in 1908 by John Wilbur Chapman with the music written by Charles H. Marsh.   It is written creatively and intelligently with a lot of scriptural connections.   Unfortunately, the music is no longer in style (I love old songs, too, but few songs today are written in 9/4 time).  Thankfully, Michael Bleecker rewrote the music to the song in a nice updated form in 2008.   Mark Hall built off Bleecker's version , adding bridges and again rewriting the chorus.  While Michael Bleecker did an awesome job, Mark Hall's final version is even more powerful.  Even the newly-added bridges are packed with biblical truth, which is not very common these days.  My favorite part of the song is the chorus. Here is the original One Day with the music written by Charles

A Review of What's In The Bible With Buck Denver

A Review of What's In The Bible With Buck Denver  More than a year ago, I made an investment in teaching my children the Bible.  I'm always on the lookout for good resources for Bible education.  "T he word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12) and " All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).  Why would you neglect such a powerful book when training your children?  There are many children's Bible education resources today.  Lots of story Bibles, children's Bibles, songs, videos, apps, and books.  I have lots of resources and many ways to teach my children about God's Word.  I love all of the options available, but it's important to be discerning and involved in your child's Bible education.  Your children might learn about the Bible in Sunday School and you might provide books and videos, but the p

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