
Showing posts from July, 2012

Five Senses Bible Lessons - Smell

Lesson 4: Smell Story: Fiery Furnace Theme: Be faithful. Verse:  2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved  and among those who are perishing; Can you guess the smell game Supplies: baby food jars (or Ziploc bags)   cotton balls   smell (extracts, essence oils, essential oils…) Before the lesson, put familiar scents on several cotton balls using extracts or essence oils.  I used lemon, vanilla, orange, vinegar, cinnamon, and smoke.  For the smoke smell, light a candle, blow it out and then attach a cotton ball to the lid of the candle and put the lid on the jar for 30-60 minutes.  Seal the cotton balls in the baby food jars (You may want to do several cotton balls so that you have extra for the 5 senses craft in lesson 6). Number the jars and right down what each one is on an answer key.  For the lesson, have the students number their papers.  Then, they should open the jars...

Five Senses Bible Lessons - Sight

Lesson 3 - Sight Story: Elisha and the blind army Theme: Trust God. Verse:  2 Cor. 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight Introduction: Optical Illusions: Print some of these optical illusions (probably the dual picture, motion, disappearing, color, and parallel line effects are the best) and have the students do them: Or download an optical illusion slide show here: Tell the story about Elisha and the blind army. 2 Kings 6:8-23 Seeing the invisible Army: Supplies: printout of Elisha and servant overlooking army, white crayon, water colors, paintbrush   Before the lesson, draw or trace horses and chariots of fire into the top of this picture (or something similar) using the white crayon. During the lesson, when you get to verse 17, have the students paint t...

Five Senses Bible Lessons - Touch

Lesson 2: Touch Bible Story: Woman Touches Jesus’ Garment Theme: Turn to Jesus with problems Verse: Luke 8:48 And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace." Introduction: What are the 5 senses?  Which one did we talk about last week?  Today we're going to talk about touch. Touch Test Supplies: paper bags and small objects like paper clip, pencil, coins, rubber band, spoon … You can make a paper bag for each child with each bag having identical objects or pass one bag around the room.  Have the kids put their hands in the paper bags (without looking), feel the objects, and write down what they think is in the bag.  Tell them how many objects there are.  When they have a guess written down for that many objects, empty the contents of the bag and see how many they got correct. Tell the story of the woman who touched Jesus’ garment: Mark 5:24-34 Jesus and woman puppets Supplies: printouts, craft sticks or pipe cleaners...

Five Senses Bible Lessons - Taste

Last year, I taught some Bible lessons with the theme of the Five Senses.  It was so much fun that I thought I'd share it.  I taught everything in two lessons that were two hours each because we were at a Bible conference, but I broke them down here into several lessons that could be taught in Sunday School.  Feel free to adapt them or use just the pieces that you like.  Today's post is just the first lesson.  More lessons are coming! Lesson 1: Taste  Story: Esau’s birthright Theme: Hunger for God Verse:  Matthew 5:6  "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Introduction: Name the five senses.  Why do you think God gave them to us?  Today we're going to talk about taste, using a story about Jacob and Esau. Tell Jacob and Esau's birth story – Genesis 25:19-28 Painting Craft -  Supplies: cardstock, construction paper, craft paint, paintbrushes Before the lesson, make tw...

Bible Verses for Amazing Grace

Probably the most popular hymn in the English language, Amazing Grace was written by John Newton, a former slave trader.  The meter (number of syllables in each line) of Amazing Grace is what is called the Common Meter (  It is not called the Common Meter for nothing.  There are many tunes (both traditional and new) that have this meter.  As a result, Amazing Grace can be sung to many tunes. It can even be sung to The old Coca Cola Theme Song (I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony...) Here are some hymn tunes that have been used for Amazing Grace over the years (click on them to hear them): New Britain  - the traditional version Arlington Evan Pisgah Primrose/Twenty-fourth Warwick There have been many more recent tunes as well.  Here are a few. The nostalgic camp version: The edgy version (though the feel of the tune fits well with the words): The contemporary classic (to Londonderry Air):...

Not What My Hands Have Done

Here is one of those songs that I love.  Unfortunately, it's not well known, nor is it consistent between hymnals.   The version I know uses half of each verse as one stanza and does not include all of what I have below.  It also slightly changes some phrases.  What I have below is actually missing one verse from the original, but seems to be the most frequently used. Since this hymn has such powerful words,  there are many versions, including modern versions. Here is one by Aaron Keyes that I like a lot.  I really like the chorus that he added. Not What My Hands Have Done by Horatius Bonar Not what my hands have done can save my guilty soul; Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works , so that no one may boast. Not what my toiling flesh has borne can make my spirit whole. Titus 3:5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done i...

Beach-themed Candles

So, obviously this post isn't about hymns or worship songs.  You're probably thinking why is she posting this on "Scripture And ...".  Well, the Bible definitely encourages sharing.  1 Timothy 6:18 says " Instruct them to  do   good , to be  rich  in  good   works ,  to be  generous  and  ready  to  share ".   So I thought I'd share some craft ideas.  These aren't full tutorials, but they were pretty simple projects.  Even I could do them! Beach Pillar Candles I made these at a ladies' craft day and I absolutely loved them.  So I made some more at home.  Here is what you need: pillar candles spackling compound (I used  lightweight) sand seashells and/or pebbles newspaper (for work area) Here's what you do: Put some newspaper down on your work area. Use a knife/spatula or something to apply a thick layer (about 1/4 - 1/2 inch thick) of the spackling comp...

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